?One thing is certain though: these techniques call for a professionalism bordering on perversion. In Wolf's case the result is a stubborn paradox. In his paintings, near irreconcilable extremes in terms of content collide on the backdrop of formal (and conceptual) precision.The slickness and accuracy of Hard Edge painting, aimed at conveying presentness and timelessness on the basis of an implementation that refutes subjectivity, merges with the »historicist« shadings and shortcomings that errors inevitably suggest, to form high-end products in the shape of paintings: nom-committal staging of artificiality and refinement oscillating between past and present on the one hand and a conceptually refined grounding as art and crafted objects perfectly geared towards imperfectness and incompleteness on the other. Yet another paradox is that Wolf's purposeful »errors« take on a both formal and content related significance in that their impact on his practise is an upgrading, not downgrading one; by doing so they create a conductive balance of power between the aspects related to the icon and iconoclasm and those linked to distance and transgression.? (Hans-Jürgen Hafner)
hrsg. von Jens Wolf & Le Grand Cafe St .Nazairemit Texten von Hans-Jürgen Haffner und Arnauld Pierre.
Frankfurt/Main 2006, Revolver, 112 Seiten, 107 Farb-Abb., 28 x 22,5 cm, gebunden, Englisch/Französisch
ISBN 978-3-86588-271-4