Colophon A-Z, Winckelmann
Mette Winckelmann`s artistic practice extends across a range of graphic media and materials, including painting, drawing, graphics, paper/photo collage and sewn-together fabric collages which mimic abstract paintings, banners or flags. Winckelmann displays her artistic production both in the form of individual objects and combined in extensive installations. Her work are also expressed in the form of books, paper prints (such as the newspaper Paper) and ready-mades. Via these various media, she expands the field within which abstract painting can be understood.
hrsg. von Mette Winckelmann und Galleri Christina Wilson, mit Texten von Sara Hatla Krogsgaard und Lotte Juul Petersen.
Frankfurt/Main 2007, Revolver, 136 Seiten, 93 Farb- und 15 s/w-Abb., 27 x 19 cm, broschiert, Dänisch/Englisch
ISBN 978-3-86588-426-8