time space code memory
This book is an Absolute Report of the last five years of the 20. century from the perspective of a specific artistic network that was active at that time. We present the projects that APSOLUTNO created in that period as well as reports by various artists, media thinkers and other important personalities that APOLUTNO met within the same East-West network in the sphere of new art & media practices. In this book we find parallels between our own projects and those of others, by identifying four important themes that run through the work created at that time: time, space, code, and memory. (association APSOLUTNO)
hrsg. von Springerin; mit Beiträgen von Andreas Broeckmann, C5, Inke Arns, jodi, Konrad Becker, R.LeE Montgomery, Marina Grzinic Mauhler, Nina Czegledy, PLATFORM, RTMark Stephen Kovats, Vuk Cosic, Geert Lovink, Lev Manowich, Minja Smajic, Darko Fritz, Gebhard Sengmüller, Dejan Srentenovic, Aleksandar Boskovic, Florian Schneider und Rossitza Sadkalova.Frankfurt/Main 2006, Revolver, 232 Seiten, div. Abb., 20 x 15 cm, broschiert, Deutsch/Englisch
ISBN 978-3-86588-288-2