Tell Me the Truth is an exhibition that brings together the most recent works of nine young artists awarded grants by the Department of Culture of Biscay Executive Council during the two-year period 2003-2004. These pieces are diverse in character and follow different paths in their approach to and understanding of artistic practice. Successes and disappointments meet on the same platform bringing them to public and critical attention. This platform provides us with an opportunity to reflect on the eclectic nature of the courses charted by these artists in recent years. Though these works may be very disparate, they nevertheless share a point of interest: the persistence in a process of research that explores the possibility of creating a system to organise the void and make packages of knowledge manageable.
Sala Recalde ( 25.05.-9.7.2006): Roberto Aguirrezabala, Zigor Barayazarra, Gorka Eizagirre, Borja Estankona,Kepa Garraza, Alejandro Goientxea, Enrike Hutando, Saioa Olma und Ixone Sádaba; mit Beiträgen von Roberto Aguirrezabala, Olatz Ganzález, Alejandro Goienetxea, Beatriz Herráez, Miren Jaio, Lars Bang Larsen, Ploma Martín Llopis und Asier Mendizabal
Frankfurt/Main 2006, 132 Seiten, 79 Abb., 24 x 17 cm, broschiert
ISBN 978-3-86588-290-5