Schmidt-Bleek, Cornelia
creepers and climbers
creepers and climbers
?One day in the garden I was watching a bumblebee alongside me while I was sewing seeds and thought, >what I have in common with a bee as a gardener? < and realized more than I thought. Like the bumblebee I thought these plants where here for my benefit, all the plants in the garden I was growing. But in fact, I realized maybe they had induced me to help them, .....? (Michael Pollan) <br/>
Mit Texten von Mark von Schlegell, Margaret Stevenson, Frances Stark, Anna Pavord and Henry David Thoreau.Frankfurt/Main 2006, 64 Seiten, farb, & s/w Abb., 25,5 x 20 cm, broschiert mit Pappumschlag, Englisch/Deutsch
ISBN 978-3-86588-236-3