Rosier, Mathilde
Passionate Belief
The song can be seen as a form of poetry still possible today. Finally it remains this desire of findig again the poetic form. For Rilke or Novalis, the poet was a (narcissistic) creator, but the the same time one who aspired to self-effacement. It is a matter of going through the reflection."
"? reflection which refers to the vanity of the mirror as well as the line of thoughts."
"Contrary to the norm, here is the the reflection that generates the presence of the reflected object. In fact the reflection is now alone in the mirror, the subject has gone."
Mathilde Rosier
In "Passionate Belief" Mathilde Rosier combines texts and works of the last five years as video stills, watercolours, photos of performance and gouache on paper collage to a book devided in two chapters entitled, "The Reflection on the Ventriloquist" and "Good Intentions Mirror Nothing".
Frankfurt/Main 2006, Revolver, 74 Seiten, 79 Farb-Abb., 24 x 21 cm, broschiert, englisch/französisch
ISBN 978-3-86588-270-7