Another publication is a book project around the manifold perspectives on otherness. Magnanimous in its ubiquitous applications, the ?other? floats between different points of views. The aim of this publication is to bind together different proposals, as a strategy to approach this somewhat bankrupt term. Twelve writers were invited to contribute a text on th is subject, each writing a preface to a possible book arround the ?other?. Together, these prefaces trace different identifications and applications of the term, such as collaboration, love, aesthetics, institutional critique and globalisation. In addition, 82 artists were invited to submit a cover for this book and they, in turn, invited another to contribute an image for a cover. Each complication of texts is framed by one single cover image, 164 in total; and from each different variant of the book only 7 copies exists. The ?other?referred to in this book thus keeps shifting from one possible/impossible other to the next, encouraging a mutation from the initial concept of otherness into ?anotherness?.
hrsg. von Renée Ridgway, Katarina Zdjelar, mit Texten von Mieke Bal, Rosi Braidotti, Boris Buden, Frans-Willem Korsten, Bojana Kunst, Dieter Lesage, Thomas Michelon, Steve Rushton, Hito Steyerl, Nato Thompson, Jan Verwoert, Jelena Vesic (englisch)
Frankfurt/Main, 28 x 21 cm, 143 S., Broschur
ISBN 978-3-86588-375-9