»You enter a room with a bar. It?s 7 PM and there are a number of people lingering in front of what looks like a mirror. You are served. You can?t find yourself in the image, so you conclude that it?s not a mirror or a real-time surveillance transmission after all. Perhaps there is a delay built into the system, and what you see is what happened in the bar a few minutes (or hours) before. If you wait long enough you?ll suddenly see yourself entering the bar. But that doesn?t seem to happen. All that you know, is that you?re not in there ?« (Daniel Birnbaum).
hrsg. v. Felix Ruhöfer; mit Textbeiträgen von Daniel Birnbaum und Felix Ruhöfer.
Frankfurt/Main 2003, Revolver, 48 Seiten, 44 FarbAbb., 22 x 24 cm, broschiert, deutsch/englisch
ISBN 978-3-936919-24-0