Hg. Eva Svennung / Alexis Vaillant
"What hair says: smoothness, brilliance, balance, shine, thickness, body, bounce, control." (John Kelsey)
"Without hair, there would be no shampoo. Wigs would be very different, unrecognisable from what they are today. Song titles and lyrics would have to be changed. Head-lice would be like monkeys in the rainforest after the woodsmen have cut down the trees." (David Shrigley)
Jonathan Monk, Rebecca Bournigault, Otto Berchem, Elena Montesinos, Brice Dellsperger, Bless, Francesca Gabbiani, Bernadette Corporation, Klat, Matthieu Laurette, Alex Bag; hrsg. v. Toasting Agency (Alexis Vaillant & Eva Svennung); mit Textbeiträgen von John Kelsey, Gérard Lefort, Jeff Rian, A. Vaillant (englisch/französisch)