Gygi, Fabrice
Gygi & Gas Thirty-one Years of Exchange
Thirty-one Years of Exchange
A new monograph on the Swiss artist's work. Author of numerous performances, printed projects, and self-organized events, Gygi has always claimed a social and political dimension to his work.
Produced by the Musée des Beaux-Arts du Locle, on occasion of the Triennale du Locle, this publication gathers several new essays as well as many examples of the recent prints production by Gygi.
Designed by Gavillet & Rust in close collaboration with the artist, the book hides in its Japanese binding a series of photographs by Olivier Pasqual of Gygi's customized car and accessories.Zürich 2008, jrp/Ringier, 72 pages, Images 9 color, 19 b/w,
16 x 23 cm, Softcover, French
ISBN 978-3-905829-26-6