FIASCO a photonovel by Janet Riedel, Katja Pratschke and Gustàv Hàmos
With fragments from Imre Kertèsz\' book.
Fiasko beschreibt den Versuch eines Neubeginns, nach Auschwitz, nach Buchenwald, in einem menschenverachtenden totalitären System, dem stalinistischen Budapest, so wie es der Autor Imre Kertész selbst erlebt hat. Dem Fotoessay geht es um die visuelle Adaption von Kertész eigener literarischen Methode: den Versuch, bruchstückhafte Indizien, Gegenwartsfragmente und Deja-vus zu einem Gesamtbild zusammenzufügen. Durch die Montage von Textauszügen aus dem Roman und fotografischen Bildfolgen entsteht eine Überlagerung von Zeiten, eine spannende Doppeldeutigkeit, ein Vexierbild.
Fiasco describes the attempt of a new beginning, to Auschwitz, Buchenwald, in an inhumane totalitarian system, the Stalinist Budapest, as the author Imre Kertész himself has experienced. The photo essay is about the visual adaptation of Kertész\'s own literary method: the attempt to put together fragmentary evidence, fragments of the present age and Déjà vus into a complete picture. From the assembly of excerpts from the novel and photographic image sequences results a superposition of time, an exciting ambiguity, a picture puzzle.
?With the photonovel fiasco, an homage to la jetée by Chris Marker is proposed:in a nameless airport in a large, foreign yet familiar city, a man is searching for away to survive, in a system which has condemned all those people who have not yetlost their belief in the individual and in freedom.?nathalie hénon and jean-francois rettig, rencontres internationals
The photonovel transforms Imre Kertész? literary method into a visual language:by joining fragmentary elements from the past and the present, by finding tracesthat link experience and remembering.The book with its filmic images moves the ?reader? to think movement; by flickingthrough the book, the editing, the montage is effected through the reader?s exploration of it.
Berlin 2014, 144 pages, 349 colour photographs, 17 x 24 cm, Hardcover, EnglishISBN 978-3-95763-102-2