Sass, Julie - special edition
special edition with 1 Original-Lithography
So, painting’s content is the struggle of the painter to sustain their form–that there is a value in this–and if by chance there is affect this is an unintended surplus. Subsequently, I find the following of interest when you write: The experiments are part of a method. In that I think it is not so cause and effect–the experiment seeks a method–a way of doing something or carrying out a plan. If the method is predetermined then so are the results and as such one knows what they are looking for, which in this case would appear to be a search for painting's form. S.O.
It’s almost as if today’s abstraction calls for an examination of the kind of abstract figures that mathematics cannot describe, because these figures deviate from science’s rectilinear precision. In art, on the contrary, precision has to do with the independent variation and with the correct placement of a figure within a composition.
Painting affirms our desire for what light holds–that wordless testimony, an utterly unique language suggested in a shard of lemon yellow or a cold shadow. C.F.
Berlin 2013, 80 pages, 27 ill., 12,5 x 17 cm, Hardcover, Danish/English
ISBN 978-3-86895-343-5