Chardon, Nicolas
Tempo, Moteur, Corpus, Catalogue
"Nicolas Chardon's paitings give a feeling of déjà-vu. They remind us of the archetypes of the geometric abstraction pioneers. However, Nicolas Chardon refuses any nostalgic positioning. There is certainly some humour in the version that he proposes of the works by the heroes of modernity that goes beyond a simple reproduction of what is. Filled with the most dignified respect for his predecessors, it is marked by the infallible and intangible will to invent, far from all classicism and formalism, an everyday, indeed even a future in painting." (Lionel Balouin)
mit Textbeiträgen von Lionel Balouin, Jean Brolly, Julien Fronsacq, Nicolas Chardon/Judicael Lavrador and Yann Chateigné (Französisch/Englisch)
Frankfurt/Main, 21 x 15 cm, 158 S., 70 Abb., Broschur
ISBN 978-3-86588-068-0