"The world can be read as a fiction, and fiction is capable of exposing the workings of the world. Narratives great and small provide templates framing reality, and history emerges out of a thicket of fiction. The artist Cezary Bodzianowski moves gleafully through the world as if it were a story. He sets up events, usually actions of a semi-private kind, showing up on streets, in stores or parks to carry out his schemes. He poses in selected places, appropriates existing situations, seeks suitable backdrops. Selecting slices of life, he alters the balance and changes the rhythm of events by slightly modifying the surroundings, through unexpected interventions or with his mere presence. Fragments of reality become clues for narratives of his own." (Joanna Mytkowska)
Die Publikation bietet eine große Auswahl an Fotografien, die den Künstler in Aktion zeigen. Auswahl und Layout von Piotr Uklanski.
hrsg. v. Joanna Mytkowska, Foksal gallery Foundation; mit Textbeiträgen von Joanna Mytkowska und Lars Bang Larsen (polnisch/englisch); zusammengestellt von Piotr Uklanski
Frankfurt/Main, 27,5 x 24,5 cm, 204 S., 200 Farbabb., Hardcover
ISBN 978-3-936919-35-6