Hg.van Dam, Vanessa / Stig, Martine
Any Resemblance to Existing Persons is Purely Coincidental (Stories of Mr. Wood)
to Existing Persons is Purely Coincidental
(Stories of Mr. Wood) - A Project by Vanessa van Dam & Martine Stig. Essay by Maria Barnas.
?While you are wondering if you know me , I am strolling through the city with a newspaper. Are you following? I am crossing the square, and turning the corner. I haven?t yet read the paper. I?ll propably use it this evening as a place-mat or else. I?ll swat mosquitoes with it. The newspaper gives me a refernce point. It?s a prop that gives me a role in a city fulll of passers-by. ? (Maria Barnas)Frankfurt/Main 2006, 480 Seiten, farb, Abb., 20 x 14 cm, broschiert, Englisch
ISBN 978-3-86588-311-7