This artist`s book is a collection of manifold recollections and readings of the fairy tale Little Red Riding Hood. It aims to show how a popular story lives through the individuals who read and tell it, how it interacts with their frame of reference and leaves a personalized afterimage. With recrollections and readings by artists, scientists, theorists, children, a truck driver, a nurse, a manager,...
Afterouge hrsg. von Navid Nuur und Lisa Alena Vieten für das Piet Zwart Institute, Postgraduate studies and research, Willem de Kooning Academy Hogeschol Rotterdam, mit Texten von Navid Nuur, Lisa Alena Vieten, Paul Eling, Jack Zipes, Hans Aarsman, Catherine Orenstein.
Frankfurt/Main 2007, Revolver, 95 Seiten, 3 s/w- und 60 FarbAbb., 23 x 17 cm, broschiert, Deutsch/Holländisch
ISBN 978-3-86588-014-7